Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Day 133

Today we are 19 weeks! We can't believe how much we have changed since our arrival into this world. Twinks is laughing more & more every day. The other day she laughed at Daddy when he was jumping up and down. Dinks is still a silent laugher but she makes up for it with her huge smiles!!!!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Day 132


Twinks: started laughing when daddy started jumping around. Twinks also started tickling mommy.

Dinks: was doing a crazy rocking thing, as if she just figured out some new muscles.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Day 131

Dad & Mom had to wake us up this morning for our first bottle. We were tuckered out from our LA return road trip the day before.

Today we played all day with Mercedes! We miss Nai Nai & Yeh Yeh very much and we hope we get to see them very soon!

Day 130

Well we headed home to the Bay Area. It took us a long time and we pooped and ate a lot along the way. Thank goodness Mercedes was there to keep us calm most of the time.

Day 129

We watched daddy and uncle ban run a race. And then we went to see our good friends owen and beckett. Dinks was crying and Bex gave her a binkie. Of course we loved to see uncle josh and aunt ryan too!