Sunday, October 30, 2011

Day 102

Today Mom, Dad, Mercedes and we left our pimpy palace in Carmel Valley (sniff) and visited Carmel-by-the-Sea. We were disappointed not to see Clint Eastwood, but we did see some glassy swells. Daddy must have been about to cut a tooth because he was drooling as he watched the waves without his surfboard! We were oogled by many surfers and met many pooches of fine pedigrees.

We also got to have lunch in Santa Cruz at Mommy's favorite bakery (Kelly's). Sadie ran 6 miles with Dad and Rils took a stroll with Mom. We were happy to see our kittens, our nursery and our lamby swing!

Milestones ----

Laughed out loud for the first time after daddy was laughing!

Found her right hand!


  1. So cute. Look like wangs and Brigatis every day more and more.

  2. sadie laughed with her daddy? what a special moment--someone else in the family shares daddy's sense of humor!
