We are getting closer to walking every day. At bath time, Dinks took two steps! Twinks is mastering how to walk with the help of only one hand. Mom likes how our cute bottoms wiggle when we crawl so she is in no rush for us to walk.
Twinks figured out how to make her own rattle by putting two toys together and shaking them. Dinks likes to hold toys out towards Twinks and then pull them away in jest. Twinks now likes to play peek-a-boo with herself. We both think it's funny to stick our fingers in our sister's mouth. We both still love to read our doggie book before bedtime.
Where's Baby Max?
Twinks: I want food!
We discovered that these things called cabinets open and have toys in them!
Twinks playing peek-a-boo:
Dinks: I am standing!
Videos from today:
Musical Instrument
Doggie Book
haha i like how dinks abandoned doggie book time. look at them standing--getting ready to toddle all through the house!