Sunday, January 11, 2015

Day 1263 (Y3D169)

Dear mommy,

Well, it looks like we won't be seeing Auntie Sue anymore.  We think daddy didn't appreciate that we were still in our PJs from the morning.  Looks like daddy will be taking care of us for a while.

Today was Tuesday, so a school day.  We were excited to see our teachers and our friends.  Daddy got us going by getting us dressed, took us to the post office (to see about getting passports), stopped and showed us Starbucks and took us to the Oasis for some delicious grilled cheese.  Somehow we accomplished all of this before noon, when we headed to Bing for school.  Oh yeah, we stopped by the market to pick up snacks for school.  Good efficient job, daddy!

We were pretty exhausted, being unused to school schedule.  A little ice cream cookie and mac-n-cheese (with tuna and zucchini) was just the trick before we went to sleep.

We love you and miss you mommy!

Here is our day:

1 comment:

  1. Sorry that Sue didn't work out but now you get more time with daddy!
