Monday, September 12, 2011

Day 52

Daddy left town today to visit Uncle Schmeegeezy for an all boy's party. Uncle McGeezer is that guy that owns that 'Fried Green Towmaters' movie. That's all we know about him so far. Oh, yeah, and he has sensitive feet, a small stomach and an orange beard.

We digress...

Well, we'll show Daddy that girls can have more fun - baths, dress-up, dance parties to Indigo Girl slack jaw, singing 'I used to work in Chicago' with girl verses, staring at light contests, milk chugging competitions, etc. All this is pretty impressive for 7.5 week old creatures...or at least we think so!

Who is who? (in first 2 pics)

I think we're starting to notice each other

Ril's got a cape!

I can't quite reach that itch

dub wub

deep thoughts...

time for a plie

on vacation

ril reunited with her nicu blankie

rub a dub dub

i'm doing the all-blacks cheer!

kitten rilly

tummy time is the cutest! I'm so happy! And I don't look very asian anymore

Rilka says... pfffft fleisch!

hello my mother hello my father hello my ragtime doll...

crosseyed and tongue out!

sadie wrap

i'm a lady


  1. i totally lost the who's who game. i can't tell! you should do a post pointing out the differences between them--i can use it as my cheat sheet!

  2. hello chubby cheeks and chubby cheekier!!
