Monday, September 26, 2011

Day 66

Today we got to meet even more of our family. We met our mom's cousin sue and our cousin Carly! We met cousins Dave, Cathy and Marilyn too! Uncle Bryant came over too to hold us and hang out. Then we went to Drew and Dave's wedding. Aunt Drew looked so beautiful and Uncle Dave was very handsome. We wanted to party too so we dressed up in our poof balls. We also got hammered and drank too much milk. We pooped out and we pooped too.

in our poof balls!

Sadie thinking "how do I explain this picture in my college application"

"Rodin once sculpted a statue of me"

Cousin Carly holding Rils

Rils in her favorite position with duckie

Aunt Jess, Uncle Mike and Cousin Max at the wedding

Aunt Marilyn give Sadie what for

This after four drinks. Like 24 oz of milk. yes there was boot on that dress.

Aunt Linny looked so pretty as a bridesmaid.

Aunt Leslie knows a thing or two about twins. Hers just went off to college!

A bunch of Brigati girls

Drew's mom hanging tight with us

Aunt Linny dancing with Sadles

Cousin Carly at the wedding

And taking good care of us

Uncle Bryant holding Sadie

Uncle Mike and Daddy

Daddy videotaping us at Artspace 111 where Dave and Drew got married.

1 comment:

  1. congratulations dave and drew! looks like the twins had a great time, them crazy girls.
