Saturday, April 21, 2012

Day 276

Today we are 9 months!!! That's three quarters of a year. We celebrated by getting our portraits taken by our favorite photographer Keri. We modeled lots of outfits and we only cried a few times. We even got to take our picture with Grandma B since she is still in town!

Dinks: 'I love you, Rattle!'

Twinks: 'Rattle, now you are mine!'

Dinks: 'Hey, that's my Rattle...'

Twinks: '...not if can help it!'

Twinks: 'I gottcha!'

Twinks: 'Oh, Rattle, I love you...'

Dinks: 'I want that rattle!'

Dinks: 'I'll just lean over and grab it...'

Dinks: 'Woah! I leaned too far, but I got my Rattle back!'

Videos from today:


  1. Atta girl Rilka. Love both of you but you gotta fight for what's yours sometime. Uncle Dubluv will make sure to give you love when I get back.

  2. Love the 5th pic especially, looking very thoughtful :)

  3. can't wait to see pictures from the photoshoot! the girls are so used to cameras, i bet they were naturals.

  4. What an intense battle for the rattle! The girls are both so adorable. I especially love the one where Dinks is flopped onto her stomach, having won the rattle back. Both of their facial expressions are wonderful.
