Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Day 433 (Y1D67)

Today we got to sample some new cuisine! We ate corn on the cob for the first time. Dad grilled it on our barbecue. It's so fun to hold and gnaw! At dinner we tried M's tasty whole wheat brown sugar French toast. She said she has never made it before, but we don't believe her for one second because it was so delicious.

We are getting faster at climbing the stairs. Twinks is obsessed with her toothbrush and brushing her teeth. Both of us love to climb into the toy buckets and get as close to the TV as possible.

Mom has started taking over bath time this week. She is giving us our baths upstairs in the big girl tub. We are always so excited to get into the bath but we can't wait to get out of it once we start getting scrubbed and washed. Mom is going to have to pull some new and improved tricks out of her hoody to get us to sit down and relax.

Videos from today:

1 comment:

  1. the girls are eating all sorts of delicious things!

    and bathtime in the big girls' tub, that's a big step. you're growing up!
