Friday, September 28, 2012

Day 436 (Y1D70)

It is Mom's last Friday at home. To celebrate she went on her usual long walk and contemplated all that has happened in the last seven months since her diagnosis. M took us on a double date to play with our fraternal boy twin friends. They are a few months younger but we don't mind.

Auntie Ray Ray visited us during dinner, bath and bed time. She told us stories of her recent travels to far away places. We can't wait to explore the big, wide world. For now, we will focus on learning to walk.

Dinks is climbing all over:

Twinks can reach new heights:

Twinks' favorite animal 'bunny':

Dad's home!

Videos from today:


  1. Good luck, Kim, as you go back to work!!

  2. Can't believe the girls are dating already, a lot sure had changed in the past 7 months! heehee
