Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Day 357

Today was a chill day. We woke up to the smiling faces of Dad, Mom and our special guest Grandma E. Grandma and Mom played with us most of the morning. We had fun posing for photos in our matching pink dresses from Auntie Mei. They are short enough to allow for fast crawling!

At breakfast, Grandma taught Dinks how to drink from a straw! We had toast with cream cheese for the first time. It was yummy. All of the things we eat sure are better than that rice cereal Mom fed us when we first started solids. Yuk.

Twinks showed off her throw and fetch game to Grandma. Grandma was impressed!

Grandma and Mom went on a long walk while M took us out for a spin. Mom took a long nap with her furry kittens and laid low. Grandma helped with so much (dinner, laundry, baby entertainment, etc.). We are glad she will be here for a long time.

Tomorrow Mom will have chemotherapy infusions 3 and 4 out of 6 of this last round! Go Cytarabine!



Baby-proofed fireplace (or so Mom thinks):

Yummy bit from the carpet:

iPhone Attaaaaaack!

Videos from today:
Morning with Grandma
Learning to Straw
Ball and Chain
Getting Fast
Throw and Fetch
Happy Crawl

1 comment:

  1. so much crawling! little motorbutt.

    how wonderful to have grandma e there!
