Sunday, July 15, 2012

Day 362

Today we chilled at home with family. Uncle Dubluv and Auntie Lo came by to play with us too! Dad got us tasty fruity treats from the farmers market and sadly we finished the last portion of Auntie Mary's lasagna!

Twinks now replies with her baby dinosaur sounds (like this) back and forth with ease with anyone who is willing to converse with her.

Before bedtime, Twinks became obsessed with Dinks' ruffled pajama collar. Every time Twinks stuck out her little curious finger to feel the texture, Dinks tried to eat her sister's pointer. Luckily, everyone still has all of their digits.

Mom laid low today. She will get her labs drawn several times this week as her blood counts approach their nadir.

Mom's walking outfit:

Nai Nai pushing uphill:

Dinks trying to eat Twinks' finger:

Videos from today:
Morning with Nai Nai
Imitating Dinosaur
Where's Daddy?
Bucket Fun
Super Nai Nai
DJ Dinks
Wonder Twins
Dubluv Luv

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