Sunday, September 30, 2012

Day 437/8 (Y1D71/2)

We had a great weekend. We went to visit some of our biggest blog fans: Aunties Son and Mi and Uncles Da and Kev! We got to spend both days with three precious pugs who loved us since we drop a lot of food when we eat. We worked on our 'turn around and slide down' technique that Auntie Mandy has taught us for going down stairs.

We went swinging in the park, met a few babies and some older fraternal twins. It was a very social weekend. Twinks showed everyone how she tries to stand up on her own when someone says 'arriba!'. Dinks remained very calm when the puglets would lick her face.

We enjoyed the Sunday Farmers' Market especially the sweet brioche and the English peas. As the weekend came to a close, we sadly bid our farewells, but we were happy to see Doleac, Mr. Wilson and our cribs when we returned home.

Dinks: Hi, pugs!

Videos from today:
Baby Dinosaur
Cold Play
Daddy Abuse
Twin Hang