Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Day 528 (Y1D172)

We are getting more used to this one nap a day thing. Sometimes we doze off during our morning stroller walk. M took us to the playground today. We love getting dirty! M had to change our clothes several times today.

All is going well with Mom. She has her monthly CBC next week. In February she will have her tri-monthly bone marrow biopsy. She is feeling great these days so we feel her cancer is still in remission.

Mom's tasty dinner:

Mom's New Year luncheon with her awesome coworkers:

Mom with Twinks' missing Bunny that she found in the tricycle trunk after we went to bed:

Videos from today:

1 comment:

  1. little angel faces. look how much reading they're doing! glad to hear mom is feeling well, that is a blessing.
