Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Day 683 (Y1D317)

Tuesday was full of fun. Dad flew solo in the morning since Mom left for work early. We made sure to take it easy on Dad and not overturn our cereal bowls too many times during breakfast!

M took us to the library and on a picnic lunch. We cat napped on the stroller ride home and then chatted the entire time we were in our cribs for our 'real' nap.

Mom came home early and took us on an adventure to the park. There we played with everyone else's sand toys. Dinks cried when the other kids took back their own toys even though Mommy tried to warn her in advance. 'Sharing' and 'not yours' are hard concepts to understand and accept. We collected lots of seeds in our sand pails!

Before bed Mom cleaned out our nursery closet. She is starting to pack for our big move. We are excited for the change but we will miss our first home. We have only ever lived here!

Videos from today:

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