Saturday, June 4, 2016

Day 1717-18 (Y4D257-258) 4/6/2016-4/7/2016

Dear mommy,

Here are some pics from the last little bit... some school shots as well as some swim shots at ruth's house.

Ruth Said: So I'm asking the girls what dress they want to wear since it's supposed to be a hot day they interrupt telling me daddy threw away all of their shopkins except for one that was in the purple basket hiding. Then they demanded me to keep it as a secret because it was their "sneaky, sneaky shopkins secret... correction, daddy did not throw them away, he just took them away."

We love you and miss you mommy!

Here are our days:

Found a caterpillar at home, we enjoyed looking at it with the magnifying glass and  and then taking it safely outside

At school they we were talking about feelings, teacher Lara asked us what they do when we feel lonely.  We said we play with daddy

 As you see our day was packed of fun! At the pool we took turns to take off their floaties, Twinks could walk in the jacuzzi and on some parts of the pool, she was so excited about it. Dinks was tall enough to step with her tippy toes in the jacuzzi but not at all at the pool, thats why she was swimming! She was so good at keeping up with kicking and hands. She would hold her breath inside the water and come out whenever she needed air, some more practice and she will be a fish!

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