Sunday, April 22, 2012

Day 277

We went on a family adventure to the farmers market today. We didn't know there was such a thing as purple cauliflower! We were quite happy the whole stroller ride except when people tried to see us up close. We scared all of their doting faces away with our loud baby dinosaur roars!

We wanted to thank LBRE for hosting a blood drive in Mom's honor last Tuesday. 48 pints were donated! That is amazing!
Mom had her labs drawn today. Her numbers are all trending towards normal ranges with the exception of a few liver function indicators that are a little on the high side. The doctors will keep an eye on those in the coming days to see if Mom should change some medications.

Tomorrow Mom should get the pathology report on the morphology of her blood cells. Hopefully all will look normal!

WARNING: The photo below may make you yawn.

Videos from today:
More Sharing
Clap for Daddy
I heart jumper.
Bedtime Babble
Super Dad
Barber Bear

1 comment:

  1. i bet they created quite a stir at the farmers market! and hooray for mommy's test results so far and fingers crossed for continued good news.
