Thursday, September 25, 2014

Day 1159 (Y3D65)

Dear mommy,

It has been six months since you've been gone.  It felt simultaneously langsam  yet we can't believe how quickly time has passed.  We had a fairly relaxed day.  I think daddy went and did some stuff to think about you (a burrito from "burrito real", grabbing a "boba", probably the only thing he should've done was go to santa cruz or HMB for a beach visit).  Daddy saw Uncle Foley and fellow Arroyan Rachel.

We are very proud of what team kim has accomplished.  To date we have raised over $180,000 from very generous members of team kim.  It has been quite the adventure and at least for daddy, it has provided some solace, a focal point for the chaotic storm of feelings, nervous energy and nostalgia.  Everyone has helped.

We are thinking great thoughts for everyone around the world and very grateful for life.  We are thinking of our auntie jessie lots.

We love you and miss you on this day.

here is our (relatively undocumented) day:

Daddy had a bubble team in your honor

Friends from around the world:

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