Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Day 1255 (Y3D161)

Dear mommy,

We had a wonderful day today.  We went over to see RJMOB and LAMP who has been visiting from Boston/Studio City.  O did an amazing job swinging us in their hammock, we devoured the mac n cheese that Auntie R made, enjoyed our sparkling cranberry juice and we went to the park where we spun spun on the tire swing.  O also pushed us on the swing which we totally enjoyed evoking even a call from Twinks "daddy, I want O to push us".  We stayed until way past our nap time and we were cranky.

We wound up sleeping until 6:30 for our nap and woke up to line up our animals.  Nai Nai made us spaghetti and meatballs which we thoroughly enjoyed.  In fact we both ate very well all day today. Dinks continues to be interested/scared of Pinkie, enough to keep hitting the stairs.  At night we read "Do You know how lucky you are?" by Dr. Seuss which we are really enjoying.  We make funny noises during the House of Ga-zair!

We love you and miss you mommy!

Here is our day:

Friends from around the world:

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