Monday, January 19, 2015

Day 1275 (Y3D181)

Dear mommy,

We had a packed day today!  We kicked things off by grabbing dim sum with gugu, daddy, buo buo and auntie loni!  It was really fun!  We especially liked making daddy take us to the bathroom.  Twinks tricked gugu, saying that she needed to go to the potty, even though she didn't!  We loved the shrimp dumplings and the sesame balls most of all.  After dim sum we went to the MV farmers market which we apparently went to all the time with you and daddy when we were babies.  We really enjoyed all of the fruit samples and were happy to take home apples, oranges and strawberries!  Daddy took us to the pet store, ostensibly to get some litter for Doly and Mr Wilson, but we also got to see birds, turtles, fish and doggies getting their hair cut.  After that we took schwaggs to take a bath and that was quite the experience.  It was a little bit loud, which bothered us, and it was funny to see someone else drive schwaggs, which bothered us more.  But at the end of the day, we got some popcorn and lemonade, and schwaggs was very clean!

After our nap, Auntie Shannon and Uncle Chris came over to help us make cookies!  They even brought cookie cutters in the shapes of "meow meows", ducks and bunnies!  Our favorites!  We think of cookies whenever we see her.  We're not sure why ;).  We ate some manchego grilled cheese sandwiches for dinner (with lettuce) and were pretty hyper after our sprinkle/cookie fix!  We loved it!  Gugu gave us a bath and daddy put us to bed.

We love you and miss you mommy!

Here is our day:

1 comment:

  1. your mommy used to love those egg custard tarts during her sugar high days!
