Friday, May 16, 2014

Day 1028 (Y2D298)

Dear mommy,

We had a fantastic day!  First off we wished gugu a happy birthday!  happy birthday gugu!

Daddy took us to the library where we learned the magic of not controlling the volume of our voices.  Because we arrived at the library a little bit too early, daddy took us to Trader Joe's to see if we could find some peter rabbit branded squeezee juices, but we couldn't find any.  Daddy had o resort to buying us this huge box of "yogurt craisins" to keep us happy.  We returned to the library where clearly daddy was the only big boy in the entire place.  But daddy introduced us to the magic of computers and we were so excited to discover our very own machines - we don't quite understand how to use mice yet. But why do mice control computers?

After that it was a walk to the Oasis for lunch where we had our typical fare of chicken strips and caesar salad.  We loved it. We danced and ran around the entire place.  For a sports bar type place, they sure know how to cater to us!

After our nap, daddy and mema took us to the grey slide park where we had a bunch of fun before having a little picnic at the park.  We ate so well that daddy took us to go get ice cream cookies!  Mema got us M&M cookies with mint chocolate chips and gummy bears!  We were in heaven.

We were exhausted and promptly went to sleep.

We miss you and love you mommy!

here is our day:

Friends from around the world:

layla those are some sweet duds!

1 comment:

  1. happy birthday auntie ev!!!!

    this post makes me think about the lack of ice cream sandwiches in my life. sad.
