Saturday, February 8, 2014

Day 932 (Y2D202) +114BMT

Friday was fun.

For Mom, it was Chemo Day 2. The leukemia side effects have started to minimize (sore back, general malaise, lack of appetite). Mom enjoys these golden times before the downward chemo spiral begins in a few days. Jess and Beans kept Mom comany and practiced working on Anna Kendrick's version of the cup song:

Sisters and Cups - Take 1
Sisters and Cups - Take 2

We had so much fun with our cousins! We all eat together while Daddy entertains us, argue over toys, wear hair bows and chase one another around. Our staff of V, Daddy, Mema, Aunt Beans and Auntie Jber have been terrific in meeting our needs. We will reward then with 4 jelly beans each in the color of their choice for the top level service.

We all visited Mommy in the hospital and had a snack fest. We sat on Mommy's lap and ate hospital animal crackers. Yum. Here are some videos:

Daring Kiley
Clapping Kiley
To Haircut or Not
Peas in a Pod
Animal Crackers

We squeezed all four cousins in the bathtub and poured water on one another's heads. What fun we had. Our caretakers were pooped by bedtime.

Here's our day:

Images from beyond Mom's hospital room:


  1. love all the family photos~ lots of strong women!

  2. how many cousins can you squeeze into a bathtub? yay!!!

    looks like you had a really nice visit with all the little ones.
