Thursday, April 17, 2014

Day 999 (Y2D269)

Dear mommy,

Wow what a day we had!  Because V's sister is in town, daddy and mema took care of us all day.  So we used it as an excuse to party!  We started things off by waking up early and eating our breakfast like champs.  We were excited because daddy had been promising us visits with the easter bunny and going swimming.

Daddy and Mema packed us up to mall where we waited for about 15 minutes for the easter bunny to arrive.  Boy was the wait worth it!  Daddy was sure that we were going to cry like we do for Santa, but we were on our absolutely best behavior.  We both even smiled for the camera!  The best part, was that the easter bunny gave us a blue and purple bunny!  We love the easter bunny and want to go see him tomorrow.

From there we went to a new park that is close to Stanford West.  We ran around like crazy girls all over the park, climbing, catching and going up and down.  Dinks' underwear was falling off her butt and we were wearing our silver slippery shoes, but none of these challenges phased us.  We went on to go eat grilled sandwiches at the Melt which were delicious.  We both ate quite a bit of our sandwiches and drank our milk.

From there daddy and mema took us swimming, where we floated on noodles, played motorboat and daddy threw us into the air.  We had an absolute blast.  The water was a balmy 80 and while we had to fight over who got to go with daddy we both were feeling quite comfortable in the water.  We're excited to see how our planned lessons go.  We were pretty tired from our morning adventure that after a couple hours we passed out for our nap.

Finally we were again great with our potty training, where we both simultaneously pooped on the potty.  The resulting jelly beans led to this.  With all of the excitement we were pretty tired and read a couple books with daddy before going to sleep.

Daddy and your friend June found these really cool book entries that you had written.  It paints for us a picture of you when you were 26!

We love you and miss you mommy.  We know you would've been so proud and loved to see us with the easter bunny and swimming.  We're growing up and we know you didn't want to miss any of this.

Here is our day:

Our first Easter Bunny Experience

A new park adventure!

Grilled Cheese action

We love our easter bunny bunnies!

Friends from around the world:
Stumble for Donors
Apr 6, 2014
Thanks guys!

Blast from the past:

1 comment:

  1. love the easter dresses! i guess the easter bunny is not as scary as santa. that's understandable.

    love seeing kim's beautiful smiling face.
