Friday, August 10, 2012

Day 387 (Y1D21)

Today was lovely. Mom and Dad pushed us around the house at breakneck speeds in our Radioflyer wagon. We played with our flap books and periodic table blocks and we went to the park with M.

Right before bath time Dinks took her first step! It was one small, careful step but she was very excited to start to move on only two limbs. Dinks also points to herself now when asked, 'Where is Dinks?'.

Twinks pushed the Radioflyer while crawling and points to our baby pictures on the wall when asked 'Where are the babies?'. Dad made it home in time for some play before bedtime!

Mom got her hair trimmed today to try and tame the mullet that has been growing there for a while now. She is a little sore from the biopsy but otherwise is feeling better with every passing day.

Videos from today:
Milk Solves Everything
Dead End
Daddy Push
Daddy Push 2

1 comment:

  1. a first baby step! she will be running marathons alongside her daddy before you know it!
