Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Day 391 (Y1D25)

Today we got to see and play with M all day! We missed her while we were gone. Poor Twinks has a little diaper rash but hopefully it will get better soon.

Twinks learned from M how to point to the flower on her shirt today. Dinks can take off one of her shoes quite easily and can stand on her own and clap her hands or drink at the same time! M gave us baths that were full of laughter and Dad joined us for some bedtime fun.

Mom's toe, hearing and intestinal infection are all improving with each passing day. Doleac and Mr. Wilson are faithfully taking naps with her when she needs a cuddle buddy.

We are all thinking of Great Grams R as she is in hospice and Great Gramps L for his leg to heal.

Twinks: I want some of that!

These birthday cards are fascinating:

Our new animal mix n' match magnets from RJOB:

Yummy shoe:

'Where's baby Max?' face:

Dinks likes to randomly rest her head:

Dinks climbed into the wagon herself:

Twinks' monkey pajamas:

We love you Great Grams!

Videos from today:
Breakfast Noises
Magnet Fun
Bath Fun

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