Sunday, August 19, 2012

Day 396 (Y1D30)

Today was exciting. After Dad ran his long training run of a billion miles, he joined Mommy and us for a leisurely walk downtown. Dad got us some tasty blueberries from the farmers' market. Yummy! We also got to ride the slides in the park on the walk home!

Auntie So, her parents Kib and Kyu, and Uncle Rap came to visit. They entered bearing gifts of tasty home grown fruit and cream puffs. We cried a few moments from stranger danger, but we hope they all realize that we were really excited to meet them. We especially liked Kyu's shiny purse and Kib's striped, Pebble Beach shirt.

Mom gave us our baths. We were super wiggly. Twinks thought it was funny to cover her own eyes and play peek-a-boo. We were happy to end our Sunday with our favorite books and toys.

Videos from today:
Open and Shut
Dog Book
Ticklish Hair

1 comment:

  1. the girls look so pretty and summery in their matching dresses. oh sadie, stranger danger!
