Friday, August 3, 2012

Day 380 (Y1D14)

We are getting more adventurous. Twinks crawls all the way to the door when anyone comes or leaves the house. Dinks can lift herself to standing on the sliding glass and closet doors. We love to play with our books with sliding pieces and flaps!

Mom and Dad better start sweeping more carefully because we sure have been finding lots of yummy crumbs all over the place now. The other week Twinks found a present from Mr. Wilson on the carpet. Luckily, Daddy stopped Twinks and washed off her hands before it was too late. We are keeping everyone on their toes!

We love M's singing valentine bear. It kept our attention for a long time today. M took us on a park adventure and snapped some nice photographs of us so Mommy and Daddy can see us. M also helped Daddy before bedtime until Mom and Uncle Machang came home. She is our hero.

Uncle Machang took Mom to her two appointments today. In the morning, Mom saw her hemotologist Dr. M. He said her blood counts looks great and she can stop almost all of her medicines today! Mom's WBCs are now within normal range! Mom will schedule her bone marrow biopsy for next week and will now only see Dr. M monthly instead of bimonthly.

In the afternoon Mom saw Dr. C, the ENT doctor. He did a procedure to drain the fluid behind her ear drum which resulted in much relief of pressure and improved hearing almost instantly! There is still a heartbeat in Mom's ear, but hopefully that will go away with time. She will check back in with Dr. C in about a month.

1 comment:

  1. did somebody find a tasty turd? ruh roh.

    that's great news about the blood counts and the relief of the ear pressure. good luck with running this week!
