Thursday, August 9, 2012

Day 386 (Y1D20)

Mom got us yoyo kids instead of yoyo baby yogurt. Little did she know that this mistake would equal a face full of yogurt for Dinks during breakfast. That will teach Mom to get the creamier, baby yogurt next time.

Whenever Dad plays his ukelele, we are mesmerized. We instantly stop what we are doing and crawl robotically towards him like he is a benevolent version of the pied piper. Both of us like to actually play the ukelele.

Mom was gone most of the day running errands and getting her bone marrow biopsy. Dad held Mom's hand during the procedure so she could squeeze when needed. Mom gave some blood and marrow samples to research. The scientists are interested in tracking her cancer cell in particular because of its NPM1 marker. Although we fully support scientific research, we hope these researchers don't find any cancer cells or anything interesting in Mom's samples.

Mom got home right before bathtime to find a very giggly Twinks. Dinks likes to stand up in the bath tub and drink as much water from the bath and faucet as she can. We have been watching the Potty Time Signing Times video over the last couple of evenings. We are not sure what a 'potty' or an 'accident' is but the video has catchy baby music.

Videos from today:
Jumper Giggles
Fish Tails
Nai Nai's Song

1 comment:

  1. the girls recognize their daddy's musical genius.

    twinks, was that book tasty?

    here's to hoping for good results from the biopsy.
