Monday, August 12, 2013

Day 753 (Y2D23) ChemoR1D4

It has been a week since Mom got confirmation of her AML relapse. A lot has happened since then and all of it has been going better-than-well since the initial tough news.

It was V's first official day as our au pair. Her and M took care of us together! We had double trouble toddlers and au pairs.

Mom had a pleasant, wonderfully uneventful day at the hospital.
Mema kept her company. They napped together, watched a movie and chatted about life. It was divine and perfect. Dad visited Mom between working all day and putting us to bed. He is a master at completing many different tasks in one day. We are very impressed. If we go to the park twice in one day, that is a big deal for us.

Mom finished day 4 out of 5 of induction chemotherapy today. She is still mostly side effect free and has enough platelets and RBCs not to need any transfusions just yet. It all still seems surreal to Mom in that her symptoms came on over several weeks and now a week later they are gone. Acute cancers like this are very mythical beasts.

We played on our instruments like rock stars after dinner. We got to FaceTime Mom twice. Dad said we feel asleep within five minutes of closing the nursery door.

Normally, we are chatty gigglers for 30 minutes to an hour after the door closes. It was a great day overall.

Mom and Mema's Day:

Our day:

Inspirational images for Mom from you! Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. oh you know it's a big deal when the men of cabin fever take out time for a group photo like that. you are very loved, kim!
