Thursday, August 29, 2013

Day 770 (Y2D40) ChemoRl

This Thursday is Dad's birthday! Happy Birthday Daddy! We love you!

Aunt Jessie, M and V woke up early to set up for Dad's surprise birthday breakfast. They decorated the house and made a huge breakfast burrito cake. Dad was surprised when he saw the festivities! M and V snuck some balloons and a birthday poster in our nursery while we were sleeping. We sat on Daddy's lap and fed him food. We loved chasing balloons, collecting balloons, burying ourselves in balloons, saying cheese and jumping.

We spent the rest of our day playing with our stools, playing with our animals, splish splashing in the yard, singing ABCs with Auntie Jessie and with ourselves and swinging in buckets.

Mom enjoyed her day with Auntie Jessie at the hospital. The doctors did not get back to mom on the biopsy results so she should likely hear tomorrow. Gus, one of Mom's newer friends who underwent a BMT a year ago visited Mom. John the pathologist said hello too. Mom got her first reiki session today. It was very rejuvenating.

After we went to bed, Dad, Buo Buo, Jessie & Loni had a party for Dad's birthday in Mom's room. They all celebrated our Daddy! Here's Mom's Day:

Our day:

Images from outside these walls:


  1. happy birthday ben! everything looks so festive!

  2. that is a birthday extravaganza! happy birthday, ben!
