Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Day 964 (Y2D234) +146 BMT

We sure had a swell day.  Mema woke us up and V took us on an amazing adventure which included a play date with our friend CoCo!  It is amazing when you get to play with other kids' toys.  We also did tons of art and had a blast at the park.  We love tuesdays.  Daddy came home to take care of us but apparently took a long power nap.  He let us climb on his back and generally have our way with him. We ate dinner, read books and read more books before we hit our daylight savings shuteye.

Mommy was doing well today.  She is beginning to shed quite a bit of water weight thanks to the magical miracle of medicine.  She also appears to be feeling better - she moves around more easily and is improving on her infection.  Only one of the tubes was positive after 72 hours!  Compared to all 24 going in 24-36 hours, this is a good sign.  Her nurse Katie, took such good care of her again.  We truly love all the great supportive folks on Fground - we call it mommy's village.

Here is our day:

From our friends around the world:

Welcome to the world E!

Blast from the past - Lookout world!  We're done with school (until we went back to school)!

Amazing that all the horribles are here
what?  Ken Gunn???

1 comment:

  1. playdates are so fun!

    that is great news about some of the water weight coming off and the infection getting a bit better!

    so it's confirmed. i've looked like an adolescent boy my entire life.
