Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Day 817 (Y2D87) -1BMT

Aunt Jessie performed like a true biological champ this Tuesday!

Jess patiently sat still with Mema by her side for over 5 hours and made a donation of over 16,000,000 stem cells for our Mommy! W.O.W. Apparently Mommy only needs around 5,000,000 but Aunt Jessie wanted to make sure there was plenty for her little sister. We thank you Aunt Jessie from the bottom of our twin hearts.

Mom had a good day too. She got correspondences of support from friends and family wishing her all the best. She even had the energy to toss the frisbee around her room. V helped us call Mom via FaceTime so we could say hello too. Daddy stayed by Mom's side, practiced his magic and chatted about life and such.

When Dad came in to wake us up in the morning he found Twinks riding on both of our cribs like a cowgirl! It may be graduation time from cribs. We are ready! We had a great time today counting our cereal bowls, playing at the park and performing magic tricks.

Here's Mom's, Aunt Jessie's and our day:

Images from beyond:

1 comment:

  1. wow, 16 million! it's wonderful what sisters can do for each other. you both are amazing. go sisters go!
