Sunday, October 27, 2013

Day 829 (Y2D99) +11BMT

Wow what a day we all had this Sunday.

 We woke up semi refreshed after our hard playing last night.  Mima and Daddy looked much slower than usual this morning but nevertheless served up a nice healthy supply of cheerios and baby signing time.  Pretty soon, Auntie Shan came over to help take us to the park while daddy biked to go visit mommy.  We had a great time with Shan... she's always so pleasant and knows how to make us happy by giving us choices.

Daddy came back home to greet us at home. Since we had a Halloween partay to go to we decided to skip our naps. Dinks fell asleep for a little bit and twinks power napped in the car. But overall we were to excited to go to the park with v and carve pumpkins with a bunch of other families! We had fun with nadj and meeting cool kids and parents! Daddy carved a bear pumpkin and v carved a heart for mommy. The best part of the picnic was the crazy amounts of brownies, cookies, m&ms and lollipops!

We has a great time and then came back home. Uncle Kevin came over to fix our entire house to help get it ready for when mommy returns. Then nai nai and yeh yeh came over to spend time with us. But by then we were exhausted from little sleep, decreased intake of c6 h12 o6, and he general merriment.

Buo buo and aunt loni came over too just as we were settling into bed but a couple of diaper removals showed them who was boss! They were having too much fun with dinner and everything. Finally everyone left and we decided we were just too tired to continue and night night it was.

Mom was overcome with happiness all day. She knows a long, windy road lies ahead but for now she is so grateful that the initial transplant is complete and for all of the people who have cheered her on.

Mommy had a most wonderful day. Daddy biked to visit her at the hospital and they shared funny stories of us. What's so funny about us, we ask? We take ourselves quite seriously.

Mom and Dad walked outside her room a few times as well. Mom cannot wait to walk in her neighborhood near our home. Mom is also excited to be released to see Halloween in person!

All day long the doctors took steps to prepare for Mom's soon-to-be discharge. She converted IV medicines to pill and learned how to finger stick herself and give herself insulin since she has a little medicine-induce high blood sugar from steroids she is taking.

Nai Nai and Yeh Yeh visited as well. It was so great to see them both and show them all of Mommy's decoration.

Here's all of our days:

From our friends around the world:

1 comment:

  1. yay for halloween parties and pumpkin carving! sounds like a very full and fun day.

    kim you look great! so glad you will be going home soon.
