Friday, October 25, 2013

Day 827 (Y2D97) +9BMT

We woke up a little early today to a messy room with our beds switched.  Daddy made us pancakes for breakfast and we enjoyed watching potty time this morning.  We're starting to get very good with the potty although we still prefer the pocky sticks that come after the potty.  Victoria took us to the park and we had a very nice nap in the afternoon.

By night time we reverted to our diaper shedding ways.  We figured out how to get out of our duct tape and we got daddy to come in to see a HUGE poopie on the floor and tinkle on our blankets.  Thankfully we hadn't yet spread it all over the place.

We are excited by mommy's news.  She continues to feel better because we know that she is starting to follow up on lists of stuff that daddy has to do for her.  Mommy has backed off of her pain meds even though her tum tum still doesn't feel very good.  The doctors said that her early CBC recovery is a little on the early side but perfectly normal.  We're hopeful that her numbers continue to trend up and we get to see her home soon.  Her newly recovered hair (after chemo is just starting to fall out again)... we love her sexy bald look that her friends showcased previously.

Mommy Update:
7.1 WBC (from 1.5)
10.3 Hemo (from 10.1)
ANC 5.0 (from 1.0)
Platelets (19 from

Mom got to leave her room for the first time in over a week! She did a couple laps around the ward.

The doctors may remove Mom from IV nutrition (TPN) tomorrow. Mom had the yummiest breakfast of chilly Orgain over ice. For lunch, Mommy enjoyed crackers in her broth and chunkier applesauce. At Dinner more soft foods! this doesn't sound very appetizing to most but just eating was a miracle and delicious!
In terms of pain killers Mom greatly reduced her use of them.

These may go away tomorrow.
Mima and Daddy kept Mommy company by helping her through too many urgent bathroom visits and IV pole entanglements. By the end of the day Mom was ordering everyone around and they said they were happy to see her back to herself. Mom finds herself very flexible and accommodating. I guess you perceive yourself differently than others do often.

From our friends around the world:

1 comment:

  1. Yay for the exciting news about the numbers looking so good and for feeling better!! I also seriously can't believe the girls are big enough to be causing diaper and potty training related mischief....
