Saturday, October 19, 2013

Day 820 (Y2D90) +2BMT

Friday or +2 came with its challenges for Mommy.

Mom's mouth and throat are being attacked by the nasty mucous monster. Until Jessie's immune system takes hold and helps her fight this, it will continue to worsen. Mom has learned to try and breathe through her nose to make herself feel more comfortable. Mom would like to thank the person who donated her platelets!

We are doing great on the other hand. We have lots of people taking care of us!

Teeth 01
Teeth 02

Here's our and Mom's day:

Images from beyond:


  1. Hang in there and feel better Kim!! We're sending good thoughts!!! Also the girls look so cute playing with their bath toys :-)

  2. looks like the girls have switched their wardrobe over to autumn items, how fun. halloween is coming up!

    kim you are a trooper. and doing your exercises even when feeling on the low side!

  3. Thinking of you all! And praying. Let us know if we can help from afar.
