Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Day 844 (Y2D114) +26BMT

Monday made us happy.

Daddy started off our day by making us a tasty breakfast of mushrooms and eggs. We watched one of our educational videos which has that catchy itsy bitsy spider song on it. V helped us string caterpillar-pasta-paper necklaces. We sometimes are good at sharing but it is hard to be generous all of the time.

At bedtime, Daddy gave us our bath as he has been doing for the past several months now. Mema helped us get into our PJs. Mom straightened up our cribs (i.e. organized animals, blankets and various objects we hide in there throughout the day) so we could actually sleep in them. It takes an whole staff to keep up with us!

Here's our day in pictures and captions:

Aunt Jbo, aka the dentist, made Mom a teeth and gum care regimen that she is diligently following.

When Dad came into our room, we and all of our blankets and such, were having a slumber party on our floor!

Family Breakfast!

Here we are making necklaces.

They sell macaroons here!



Our bok choy is so happy!

V is making us a tasty dinner here.

Mema helps us get ready for bed.

Monkey is taking a lot of abuse.

Here are our fortunes:

Images from beyond:


  1. it is so hard to find good help these days--glad you girls have a winning team to help you!

    happy early birthday kylie!

    poor monkey.

  2. Love those fortunes & all those great photos of the fun times the girls are having :) So sweet!
