Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Day 857 (Y2D127) +39BMT

Sunday was superb.

We got to go to a party with juice boxes, cupcakes and other kids. We dressed in each of our favorite colors (Twinks = blue or 'bluepie', Dinks = purple or 'purpley') and wore our poofy white vests. We were looking sharp and pulling off the dressed-similar-but-not-exactly-the-same-twin look.

Auntie Steph & Uncle Mike's front yard was so much fun! There was a swing, a cute puppy named Elvis and stairs to sit on. Dinks really loved the swing and Twinks tried to push her on it but sometimes the swing caught Twinks by surprise when she wasn't looking and knocked her over. We left around naptime and Dinks fell asleep after 5 minutes in the car.

We decided not to nap our whole nap but just run around the room. As a result, we were wiped out by bedtime. Mom and Mema went fir their long walk and chatted back and forth about life. Daddy took a long run down Palm Drive. We all had a wonderful weekend together!

Here's our day:

Images from beyond:

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