Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Day 852 (Y2D122) +34BMT

Tuesday was terrific.

We are starting to feel better! We even left the house today and ran around the playground. We decorated photo frames with V and took a long nap.

These days we are learning to count to 20, the days of the week and we are picking up so many new words. We like to try and pronounce long words like Chanukah and menorah. We like to pretend we are going to school with our animal backpacks. V said she will start playing 'school' with us. One of our new favorite snacks are animal crackers. We are doing well in our potty training too. It is fun to learn new skills.

Uncle Dave arrived into town! We were very happy to see him! He spoon fed us hummus and pita chips. We sang him our ABCs, Twinkle Twinkle and Itsy Spider. We impressed him with our Spanish abilities.

Our garden is growing every day. Mom keeps adding more edibles and succulents. Our shoe monsters now have succulent hairdos.

Mom sent off her BMT tag necklace to her good friend Mandy at Red Start Design to see how it could be modified into a bracelet.

Here's our family's day:

Saffron, Allium, Crocus bulbs and fingerling potatoes:

The newest addition of a kaffir lime:

Succulent fun:

Lemon delight:

We decorated some frames:

Uncle Dave looking at tablets:

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