Thursday, December 5, 2013

Day 867 (Y2D137) +49BMT

It's the middle of the week and as Pete the Cat would say, 'It's all groovy'.

We love having a tree in our living room. The lights twinkle like stars and we can find our favorite letters hanging on it. V helped us make a star for the top and some ornaments. She is an excellent art teacher!

We both love to take our own blood pressure. It has become our morning ritual after Mom takes hers. Twinks even takes Monkey and Bunny's blood pressure just to keep an eye on their wellness.

Mema is almost done with her holiday cards. She will type up an update letter and then send them off. Mommy helped her make the card into a college of all of our immediate family, pets and the stem cell sisters. Mom and Dad are working on theirs. Sometimes Mema lets us climb on her lap and watch our favorite videos on her computer. We wish she could stay with us forever. She treats us very well and always gives us full-size pocky sticks!

It was chilly yesterday and will be for the next week. When we go to the park, we bundle up tight in our warmest clothes. Poor V is not used to this weather. Today was the first time she has ever seen frost! She was amazed. She will travel to colder places soon while on her vacation so she said this is good practice.

We celebrated the last night of Chanukah with Mema. She lit the candles and sang sweetly in Hebrew. Cousin Kiley and Aunt Beans joined us via Facetime. We got a green dreidel tonight as well as a chocolate geld coin with sprinkles and ice cream. We are lucky girls!

Mom got her CMV level back from Monday. It is below 135 which is really great news. She may only have one more week of the anti-viral ganciclovir! Mom's sore toe seems to be improving with the Bactrum antibiotic, all-cotton socks and loose shoe regime and the 4 daily hydrogen peroxide soaks. Mom still keeps watch for stomping toddler feet that approach without warning or a predictable path of movement!

After dinner, Mom and Dad went on a mini-date to get Daddy some slick shoes to go with his new suit. Dad was an efficient shopper as usual and they found something great and half in 15 minutes. Poor Dad is surrounded by girls. We will have to let him choose the family activities and family night movies once in a while so he gets to enjoy things he likes sometimes!

Tomorrow Auntie Jber and Cousin Max will fly in for a visit. Mom says we have to share with Max because he is our guest. We keep saying 'no' but Mom and Dad hope we will try our best.

Here's our day:

Daddy snuggles:

What is my blood pressure today?


Our pink poof coats keep us warm in this California cold snap:

Best friends (at this moment):

The last night of Chanukah:

Auntie Tiffany paid us a visit and dropped us off some helpful items! Thank you!

Dad's new pointy shoes for his new suit:

Images from beyond:

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