Friday, December 13, 2013

Day 875 (Y2D145) +57BMT

Thursday brought us much good news, pigtails and joy.

Mema took Mom to her routine appointment at the Cancer Center and all looks great! Even though Mom's toe is improving, she will be referred to a podiatrist for a consult. The doctors are tapering her immunosuppressant medicines. Auntie Jber's immune system seems to be responding gently to living in Mommy by not attacking Mom's skin, liver or digestive system. These are all things to be very thankful for!

Twinks, while no one was looking, walked into the bathroom, made a tinkle in her mini-toilet and pulled back up her pants. She then found Mommy and declared, 'I am so proud of me. I went potty.' Everyone was very impressed! This is a big step in potty training!

Dinks can sight read better and better every day. She enjoys sitting by herself and thumbing through books. She listens very attentively when someone else reads to her. She loves learning!

V set up Mom's sewing machine and used one for the first time in months. She was giggling with joy and said it felt like she could breathe again! V really loves to sew.

Mom and Jess got back their photos from their stem cell sister superhero shoot in the city. They are adults but still act like silly toddler twin sisters sometimes like us! Auntie Jber made a collage of some of her favorite photos:

Mema and Mom went for their daily walk. They finished shipping out their last Christmas gift at their secret USPS counter at Staples.

Auntie Bao visited us for dessert, bath and bedtime. She read us her favorite Christmas story The Night before Christmas and made us giggle a lot. We showed her how we drink our juice through our wash clothes. It's one of our stunts in our crowd pleasing repertoire. Another is using our wash cloths as silly hats. We showed her that too. Aren't we super funny? We think so!

After we went to bed, Daddy made Mema and Mom a tasty curry stir fry. Yum! We hope we get to try it tomorrow! Mom covered her tender plants for the night to protect them from the frost. Here's some of our cookie ornaments:

Our mini-villages of book tents:

A train of books:

V testing out the stockings on the hearth:

Green tea ice cream:

Auntie Bao reading us the Night Before Christmas:

We are silly.


Images from beyond:

Santa & his elves on our local fire station:

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